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At the end, there is an annual exhibit and cultural event that strives to foster connections between contemporary cultural discourse, the modern arts scene, and the world of Jewish content.


On the way, before the end, there is a group of artists who, through learning and joint discussions, formulates the character of an exhibit that is accompanied by multi-disciplinary events.


The events that take place around the exhibit melt, connect, and sharpen, combining music film, performance, dance, learning, dinners, urban leisure walks and excursions beyond the city to see the stars.


Every year we explore a new topic:

2013: The modern era, in the project “Now, Now”

2014: Prophecy in the project "Navie, Navie" (We will bring a prophet)

2015: Modes of quotation in “There, There”

2016: Otherness in “The Other, Other”

2017: Manhood in our world through "Man's Man"

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